these things have been around for a long time! javascript has changed too!
javascript:(async function copyMarkdownLink(s) {
/* copy a markdown link with page title and href to the clipboard */
const mdLink = `[${document.title}](${window.location.href})`;
const type = 'text/plain';
const blob = new Blob([mdLink], { type });
const data = [new ClipboardItem({ [type]: blob })];
await navigator.clipboard.write(data);
i would like to create a citation using a format that i like.
i can use page href, title and description, but many pages have additional data. some pages have JSON-LD tags and many more have open-graph meta tags.
javascript:(async function copyMarkdownCitation(s) {
/* copy a markdown link and page citation to the clipboard */
function meta(q) {
const el = document.querySelector(`meta${q}`);
return el && el.content || null;
const c = {
title: meta('[property="og:title"]') || document.title,
href: meta('[property="og:url"]') || window.location.href,
author: meta('[name="author"]'),
siteName: meta('[property="og:site_name"]') || window.location.hostname,
description: meta('[name="description"]'),
/* exceptions */
switch (window.location.hostname) {
case '':
c.title = document.title.split(' - ')[0]; = 'Wikipedia';
case '':
c.title = document.title.split(' | ')[0]; = 'MDN';
const mdLink = `[${c.title}](${c.href}). ${}. ${c.siteName}.`;
const type = 'text/plain';
const blob = new Blob([mdLink], { type });
const data = [new ClipboardItem({ [type]: blob })];
await navigator.clipboard.write(data);
Bookmarklet. Wikipedia.
Bookmarklets are Dead…. Brian Donohue. Medium.
Clipboard: write() method - Web APIs. MDN.
GitHub Pages: The Missing Manual. Simon Willison.